Saturday, December 22, 2018

Project Update!

I'm trying to post here every week. But as of late most of my free time has been filled with working on a special art project. So for this week's post I will show you what has been taking up all my time.

For my husband's Christmas/Valentines/Birthday present this year I am making him a custom D&D Turn order deck. And I'm trying to make them all look like Gothic tarot cards, that part is mostly just because if I'm going to be working on a project this long, I want it to be macabre.

So for those of you who aren't D&D literate, no worries. Its a turn order based tabletop game, where each match your turn order changes. Usually people just write down on a piece of paper who goes when. But my husband likes to shuffle index cards to help him make sure he doesn't miss anyone.

As I watched him shuffle his index cards each time, the gears in my brian started turning... I can make this better.

The colors are going to show online a little off because I'm doing the colors in CMYK, instead of RGB since im going to get these printed.

These are what I have so far.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Our Lovecraft Vacation!

Ok so I'm finally getting off my lazy butt and cataloging this insanity!

So a year or so ago for my husband's Christmas present/Valentines day/Birthday present I went a little crazy. My Husband is a big fan of H. P. Lovecraft, and ever since I have known him he has shown me art and told me stories from Lovecraft.
So what did I do for him thats so crazy? I made him a Necronomicon that had the history of H. P. Lovecraft through the various haunts he would frequent when he was still alive. And how these places inspired his stories, or were a part of them in some way. Then I planned a walking tour, and bought us tickes to visit his hometown of Providence Rhode Island where we could use his new Necronomicon as our guide.

So here it is. Paul's very own Necronomicon.

I got this book on amazon home made, I know I should plug the store I bought it from, but I really can't remember. And I don't know how to go that far back in my purchase history.

The Halsey House & White Farmhouse

10 Barnes Street

St. John's Cathedral

Steven Harris House

187 Benefit Street

Providence Art Club 

đź’—LUNCH TIMEđź’—

Fleur De Lys

Market House



List Art Building

Mumford Home

The Grave

The Observatory

Everything Else

When I originally gave this book to Paul, it didn't have the Polaroids in it and I didn't tell him that I had bought plane tickets for us to visit there. So as a final surprise the last page was our itinerary so he could finally put it all together. 

Honorable Mention:
Lovecraft Arts & Sciences

This place was awesome, in the arcade. And they are the one's that originally created the Lovecraft Walking tour that I used as my basis. I changed a few things, and added a few stops. But I largely used this man's tour as basis for what I did. They are also the ones who arranged the Lovecraft square and are working on another Lovecraft memorial. So godspeed you beautiful bastards, you're doing great work.
And your store is the inspiration I want when I buy a house and get to decorate it =P

I did a thing! Why do we tell Werewolf stories continued.

I made a video of the older article series I did on this blog. Here is the first, its a little rough, as I keep doing these hopefully they...